Connection Tunnel

Glass Bead Game Synchronicity
"Hesse's Game is based on, and derives its peculiar beauty from, the linkages made between moves -- linkages of analogy, isomorphism, metaphor -- and I therefore see the Glass Bead Game itself as operating with an "acausal connecting principle", that of similarity. If I am right in this, it suggests that synchronicity and metaphor might have much in common, and that similarity might be the fundamental aesthetic principle operative in all the arts -- and the fundamental principle, too, for exploring the "meaning" of life itself. Hesse and Jung were friends, after all, both of them were interested in the ways in which the "inner" life can enrich the "outer" -- and it should perhaps not surprise us too much to find that Jung's "synchronicity" has a direct parallel in Hesse's Game. "
-- Charles Cameron

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