THX-1138 Posted by Adam M. Turner on July 03, 1997 at 02:43:32:
DEFINITION:George Lucas' Student Project Film, ""THX-1138"
CREATOR:George Lucas
MAIN CATEGORY:consciousness
ALTERNATIVE CATEGORIES:belief(outside one's own existence)
RELATIONSHIP TO THE CORE WAVE:Society brings those who act to action.
MAIN QUOTE:"We're all in this together" -Donald Pleasence
HIGHLIGHT RECOMMENDATION: The very last scene. Any scene where RD and his love 'make it'.
DEEPER:The scene with Robert Duval Being tortured on a monochrome video screen (recognize it by the charts and the soothing male voices).
CONNECTIONS:From the clean life to the dirty as painful revelation(Brazil/Bladerunner), from the clean life to the dirty as epiphany(THX-1138). In THX, Robert Duval's character is being taken off mind numbing drugs by his roommate. He begins to realize the world around him as tangible and real. Time suddenly exists for him. Love suddenly exists for him. In Brazil, main character is thwarted by system, though not by drugs, but buracracy (SimpleText has no spell check!), and in Bladerunner, Harrison Ford's character is pulled from his cut and dried, black and white, good and evil world, forced to bear the responsibility of coming to grips with his belief system. In all films, one must come to bear a sudden realization of the world around them, and to act on that notion with pure volition.
IMAGES AND CLIPS:To see pieces of each would be recognize the absolute synthetic nature of what speculative fiction artists see as our future.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Please let me know how I did. I've never submitted before, but have seen examples of this game in smaller forms on the 'net (gameboards to print out, ie, Sir F. Bacon's 'Quincux'(Sp?)) Understand that I am writing froma friend's house, and I don't know how hip he'll be about getting my mail. I just got a new job (my only 'net access) and I may not have an e:mail account for a little while. I am absolutely fascinated with the concept of this game, so please attempt to contact me at the address I gave you. If it doesn't work now, please try perhaps next week.
Adam M. Turner
PS: I tried to find url's and linx w/no luck. Really.