Full Submission: Meru Foundation with Alien Dreamtime connetion Posted by Robert C. Cohen on March 26, 1998 at 14:55:27:
TITLE: The Meru Project
DEFINITION: Body of research
PLAYED BY: Cynthia Tenen and Robert C. Cohen
CREATOR: The Meru Foundation and Stan Tenen
(Figure 6 - bottom left panel large)(On submission page
see image below.)
SECONDARY CATEGORIES: Art, Magic, Science, Reality, Ritual, Tribe
How does someone communicate an internal experience (of say infinity or the divine) when that experience is beyond human comprehension? Would you need to recreate the entire experience? What kind of vessel would be necessary to preserve the experience and pass it down from generation to generation? Do claims by the ancients that certain languages are sacred have some validity? -- Robert C. Cohen
How does the relationship of inside to outside, and vice versa, define our reality? Can we re-discover how this was expressed by the great minds of the ancient world? --
Cynthia Tenen
"The Meru Foundation has discovered "an extraordinary and unexpected geometric metaphor in the letter sequence of the Hebrew text of Genesis, that underlies and is held in common by the spiritual traditions of the ancient world." This metaphor models embryonic growth and self-organization. It applies to all whole systems, including those as seemingly diverse as meditational practices and the mathematics fundamental to physics and cosmology." Introduction to the Meru Project, Stan Tenen.
(Place Figure 3)
MAIN SUBMISSION: Helping this work to grow and blossom, in my own family, in my own living room, for the past 20 years, has profoundly affected my life. It has answered, and continues to answer, burning questions I once asked when I was a small child, and then forgot that I had asked until those answers had already become a part of my life.
-Cynthia Tenen
(Figure 7)
Cynthia was kind enough to submit the work of the Meru Foundation and her husband Stan Tenen to the first Glass Bead Game at my request. She related Meru to Game One's core wave: "the primary distinction between inside and outside." There was not enough time to include that submission to the first Game's Inner structure, so I discussed the move with Erik, the current Game Master, and decided it would be best to submit Meru myself to Game Two. It relates to the Game two core wave "ancient ideas in modern times," as well and could work as a minor bridge between the two games.
In 1995, I had just started a documentary production company with my friend Tom Bates. We were looking for ideas for our first project. One day I was home sick as a dog when I put on a video lecture by Stan Tenen that I had borrowed from Tom. As the lecture went on my jaw dropped lower and lower. Everything I had ever wanted in an introduction to Kabbalah and ancient sacred sciences was coming out fast as a whip - because that's how Stan talks (and thinks).
Within a few days Tom and I had contacted Stan and Meru and we had begun the process of making a documentary about Meru research (ie. geometry and math in sacred texts.) With the use of high end computer animations it is our hope that this program will eloquently communicate complex concepts and reveal a much broader playing field than most people are aware of in relationship to our major spiritual traditions.
My time with Meru research and the Tenen's has greatly influenced my life and it played a significant role in the design of Core Wave and the Game One core wave.
-- Robert C. Cohen
The Hebrew letters of the first verse in Genesis, repeat in patterns when they are counted in base three. Stan Tenen the head of Meru Research discovered and has studied this pattern for twenty plus years. The pattern indicates a weaving of the letters into a torus (donut) shape, a section of which makes a vortex shape which Meru shows to model in both scientific and spiritual terms the recursive nature of life. There is much evidence to support the view that the pattern continues through the text. This needs and deserves to be the focus of much greater research and resources.
(Figure 6)
The vortex starts at a point which is related to a "seed" of unity. As it unfurls upward it is related to a tree of life and as it opens all the way around the model is related to a fruit which contains the "seed" of itself and the whole thing starts over again. (Figure 5) This is certainly a poetic model but not so much in the modern sense which views poetry as nebulous. Meru relates this model to historic and modern views of spirit, science, consciousness and language, with an intense internal coherence that is closer to ancient ideas of the poetry in geometry, harmony, and proportion.
Further (Stan does an excellent and rigorous job of explaining all this so bear with my gross generalizations), the vortex shape fits directly into the palm of our hands. Our hands are the easiest thing to visualize in our minds eye. Close your eyes and move your hands to any position and you can instantly visualize your hands position. The same part of the brain that controls your hands controls our speech and language centers.
Well the vortex, which models the recursive nature of life, also projects a shadow which can make all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet when you hold it in different positions. So as you hold your hand in different positions you can see in your minds eye all the letters of the alphabet as directions in space.
(Figure 2)
"Since letters generated by the hand gestures can represent directions of conscious focus in our minds, a sequence of these letters can be used to specify and reconstruct a meditation. This may explain why certain Scriptural texts were canonized and why these letters are rightly called "sacred." Thus the same letter-signs are elements of both cosmology and consciousness at the same time.
Meru research suggests that Abraham didn't see the icons of other religions as simply false, he saw the one underlying truth behind all the icons of different cultures, "seeing through each example to a Singular archetype, [and] DEFINED the One-God as the Unity underlying all of them.
"Abraham, in this view, acts as a mathematician: he postulates a meaningful and functional definition of Unity. The mathematician's model makes use of none of the "garments" of the many different cultural embodiments….This perspective suggest why the Abrahamic faiths absolutely prohibit "graven images" of God. Any "graven image" would be a physical representation of only one culture's iconography during one historic period - it could never be a timeless model of a universal underlying Unity."
"Although it is bound to be considered insulting (and thus to have no validity) by those who do not understand geometry and who therefore adhere to exclusively literal literary understandings of spiritual traditions, there may in fact be no possible way to describe Exquisite Singularity without mathematics.
"Although some sources insist that it is anecdotal, it is generally believed that over the enterence to the Platonic Acadamy it was written that: 'Only he who is familiar with geometry shall be admitted here.'
"Our spiritual traditions are the vessels of our faiths. The function of these vessels [for example the Hebrew bible], like nut-shells or seed husks, is to protect the kernel with its germ of life, the flame, the hand of the transcendent, inside. If these vessels had not survived, there would be no hope for the rebirth of the germ - the 'light' - they carry.
"Perhaps our presumption that our sages of the past were not really knowledgeable or wise has blinded us from seeing their knowledge and wisdom. The Abrahamic claim of an exclusive, Singular and Unique One-God only appears to be prideful puffery when our sight is overly narrow and literal. We misinterpret our partial view of the "vessel." Once we are aware of the ditinction between Inside and Outside, between "vessel" and "light," we can appreciate the true significance of the use of a real model of Singularity for the definition of the Oneness of God."
(-- all quotes from "The God of Abraham: A Mathematician's View" by Stan Tenen. www.meru.org)
Albert Einstein asserted that you can not judge a theory by its individual components, it must be judged by its internal coherence. Whether the Meru models were deliberately placed in the Hebrew bible or not, the internal coherence and beauty of Stan's research demands more research and resources. (Figure 1)
-- Robert C. Cohen
Hebrew, Greek, and perhaps Arabic, are known in the Western tradition as "sacred alphabets." Meru Foundation's research indicates that the Western sacred alphabets are a formal notation, each letter designating a specific operation or process that can operate in both consciousness (inside) and physics (outside). Ancient texts written in these alphabets thus are more than stories; they are (we hypothesize) specific and detailed expositions of how these 27 archetypal processes (flow, one into the other, and interact -- in us. (There are 27 letters in the full Hebrew alphabet, and in Greek as it was used for counting and "gematria". We also believe that Sanskrit may have a similar function, but we have not done this work.)
-- Cynthia Tenen
CONNECTIONS: Alien Dream Time: Well first off Stan and Terrance have met and are on friendly terms. Both Stan and Terrance ideas revolve around the relationship of our modern world view to the world view of the ancients and both men focus on how these world views relate to specific internal experiences. The importance of art, and ritual are related to communicating these ideas.
--Robert C. Cohen
GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Hmm. Tricky. No really knows for sure where Mt. Saini really is. I don't know for sure where Abraham lived. Even if the ideas originated long before they were certainly developed while the Jews were in Egypt. So I think I'd like to place the Meru move in the King's chamber of the Great Pyramid in Cairo, certainly the greatest geometric construction on Earth. So I put the meru flame shaped vortex as a light inside the biggest meeting tent in the world. (Figure 4)
-- Robert C. Cohen
IMAGES AND CLIPS: Images are linked below and placement is indicated in text above.
ACCESS AND DISTRIBUTION: Meru research, video lectures and more can all be accessed through the Meru web site at www.meru.org
Look for the feature documentary coming soon from Main Stream media. (Email robert@corewave.com for details.)
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: - Meru Foundation's research has concentrated on the Hebrew alphabet and texts -- which alone is more than enough work for one lifetime. It is our strong belief that what we have discovered is a way of accessing a philosophical and metaphysical world-view prevalent in the ancient and classical world, and that other high civilizations and knowledge systems -- Sanskrit, for example -- would fit a similar pattern. But we cannot do this work alone, nor would it be appropriate for us to try. Instead, we hope that others will explore the territory of their own history and culture, to find the wisdom preserved there.
Meru itself is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation, organized to facilitate this research. Much of our published work may be found on our website, at http://www.meru.org . If you are curious, visit our website, and contact us via email at meru1@well.com -- or write to us at PO Box 503, Sharon, MA 02067.
-- Cynthia Tenen
-Robert C. Cohen
"For thousands of years, spiritual teachers of the Jewish and Christian
traditions have claimed that the Hebrew alphabet is composed of "holy" letters of special significance and superhuman origin. With the recent publication of Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code, the release of Jodie Foster's film Contact and Fred Alan Wolfe's work on The Spiritual Universe, attention is fixed on the potential fusion of science and religion. A perfect time for Stan Tenen, a physicist and Director of the Meru Foundation, to take the stage." - Cynthia Gage, Secrets of the Hebrew Letters
"Tenen's work has also gained attention from a broad spectrum of mathematicians, theoretical physicists and philosophers. He
notes wryly that it is sometimes seems " 'too Jewish' to non-Jewish audiences, 'too Christian' for my Jewish friends, 'too
mathematical' for my religions friends, and 'too religious' for my scientific friends." Yet, if Tenen could sum up in a sentence
what he would like his work to convey, it would probably encompass the idea of unity within diversity.
He puts it this way: "Like each of the letters of the alphabet, each culture has a vital contribution to make to the ecology and
survival of the planet. The model found in the Hebrew text of Genesis is intrinsic to human consciousness-a science of
consciousness like pi, not owned by anybody. The meditational dance has been preserved intact; it shows us how we can
relate to each other in an elegant, coherent manner. This is truly a tree of life for those who grasp it." - Cynthia Gage, Secrets of the Hebrew Letters
"Archetypal asymmetry can be represented by a dynamic form that continuously breaks symmetries as it unfurls. Meru Foundation research suggests that this form is a particular, explicit vortex, which we call "Naked Recursion" ("naked" in the mathematical sense - unadorned, without any other quality) and which has been traditionally associated with "the flame of consciousness", the archetypal living process of a "fruit tree yielding fruit whose seed is inside itself" (Genesis I.11.), and with its highest human embodiment - our hands."
From "The God of Abraham, A Mathematician's View,"
(c)1993, 1996 by Stan Tenen.
"Traditionally mystics and Kabbalists have referred to the asymmetry vs. symmetry model of highest contrast as "Flame and Coal" (Absolute Unity can only exist when the "flame" is wedded to the "coal"), the "Light in the Meeting Tent," or, perhaps, in Plato as the "same (symmetric) and the different (asymmetric)" (although many other interpretations have been given for this phrase)."
From "The God of Abraham, A Mathematician's View,"
(c)1993, 1996 by Stan Tenen.
In the Talmud, the phrase "Toku K'varo," meaning "inside like outside," is used as a definition of integrity, and describes a fully righteous person.
(Stan Tenen)