Re: Kabbalah LATE FOLLOW UP Posted by Enoch on September 22, 1998 at 22:44:13:
In Reply to: Re: Lurianic Kabbalah LATE FOLLOW UP posted by Robert C. Cohen on September 18, 1998 at 15:58:52:
i've just now read over the Meru move. Very interesting. i'll have to spend more time reading the Meru site..
i've read Foucault's Pendulum, and liked it a lot. i'd say more but i'm afeared that i'd spoil something.
Hm. Maybe Foucault's Pendulum would be a good move somehow...
i didn't have anything to do with the web page, but it is where i got started learning Kabbalah from. Colin Low's Notes on Kabbalah (Hermetic).
i think his text is very readable, and a good start for beginners. Hermetic Kabbalah seems to come from the occult side of Kabbalah (and there are many sides to Kabbalah it seems, the mathematical (Gematria), occult (magic that can be done with it, and Tarot correspondences), religious, and probably more)
He mentions what each sephira means, goes into the virtues of them and a bit of philosophy and what it is used for in magic practices.
In case you're wondering, no, i'm not a practitioner, just very interested in these things.
i have some QBL links on my page, and a brief description of each:
BTW: Sefirot is plural, sefira is singular, and i messed that up :) besides screwing up my email address so many times
"As long as you remain in your private vacuum, you can pretend you are in harmony with the One. But the moment you pick up the clay, electronic or otherwise, you become a demiurge, and he who embarks on the creation of worlds is already tainted with corruption and evil."
_Foucault's Pendulum_ Umberto Eco