Connection Tunnel

Within and Without Advaita
Within and Without contains many similar statements about the divine unreality of inside and outside found in Adaita.

"we are used to divorcing the within from the without in our thinking, but this is not necessary. Our spirit is capable of withdrawing behind the limits we have set for it, into the beyond. Beyond the pair of antitheses of which our world consists a new and different knowledge begins . . . "
-- H. Hesse
-- From Within and Without, Main Quote Submitted by Peter Cameron Rowland

Narada describes Advaita as the antithesis of the core wave. I see it just slightly different. I see Move 32 "No Inside / Outside" as the antithesis of the core wave. (Of course the idea that they are antithetical to each other does not mean that they are mutually exlusive.) I see Advaita on the other hand as beyond the core wave. In a sense beyond words and maybe even to some extent partially beyond complete comprehension.
When we describe the infinite we still have to use the terms 'in" and "finite." We have no terms for beyond the finite except to relate it to the finite by saying that it is beyond the finite, what we know. Nevertheless we sense that something is beyond. Beyond duality, and beyond even the idea of one.
-- Robert C. Cohen

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