What is this thing?

THE INNER GAME: The Main Map will allow us to visually explore the full Inner Game. (The image is quite large, so it may take a minute to load.) Here is the totality of our first Game presented as a new work of art that we can enter and explore together. It is a fish. Soon, it will be image mapped so that you can go to a specific move page or connection tunnel just by clicking on the picture. For now, there is a list below with all of the moves included on the map. We are working on including the associated bead for each move on the list. Before we get that finished, see if you can figure out which bead in the fish goes with which move from the list.

Move 1: Purpose - The Glass Bead Game
Move 2: Physicality - The Eternal Body
Move 3: Signs - Sacred Geometry Series
Move 4: Infinity - Serpinski Seed Egg
Move 5: Medicine - The Cunning Man
Move 6: Manipulation - Adbusters
Move 7: Emergence - Red Line Paintings
Move 8: Integrity - NuSkin International
Move 9: Hope - Millennium Whole Earth Catalog
Move 10: Freedom - Blue In Green
Move 11: Human - Blade Runner
Move 12: Reality - Synthetic Pleasures
Move 13: Fantasy / Escape - Brazil
Move 14: Flux Devine - Within and Without
Move 15: Joy - Fly, Fly, My Sadness
Move 16: Pop - Big In Japan
Move 17: Meditation - Mantra
Move 18: Breath - Air
Move 19: Belonging - X Men
Move 20: Astronomy - Pisces at the Beach
Move 21: Wake - THX-1138
Move 22: Senses - Tommy
Move 23: Time and Space - Dune
Move 24: Alchemical Gold- Magic
Move 25: Gaia - Earth
Move 26: Fool's Egg - Tarot
Move 27: The Human Condition - Magritte
Move 28: Madness - Pink Floyd
Move 29: Symbols - The Christian Cross
Move 30: Lies - TV is Big Brother
Move 31: Water - The First Sign of Life
Move 32: Perception - No Inside / Outside
Move 33: Time - The Ether That Binds
Move 34: Manifestation - Migration
Move 35: Feedback - Poetry
Move 36: Synchronicity - Synchronicity
Move 37: Total Communication - Brainstorm
Move 38: Unity - Resistance is Futile
Move 39: Unconditional Love - Blue Dog, etc.
Move 40: Beyond - Advaita
Move xx: Play - The Cherotic Revolutionary
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